I’m only getting yesterday’s diary entry in today. Everything was rushed when we got home because we had run out of gas and had to get more in order to use the stove. So off we went to our usual gas supplier – a garage not too far from home only to discover they were waiting on their gas to come in.
Luckily there is another supplier close by who had some. So after all the back and forth we finally got home.
It was about 20 minutes to the magrib athaan so all there was time for was heating soup and frying chicken samoosas.
Later we had ciabatta rolls filled with cheese, viennas (we were going to have hotdogs but I couldn’t find the appropriate rolls so bought ciabatta instead) and salad. I served them with onion rings.
What was on your menu last night?
I had iftar at a local mosque organised by the women’s group. Since it was a big iftar there was heaps to choose from.
There was soup (vegetables quite clearly visible and chicken in a liquid), there was spicy chicken and rice, mild rice with raisins and nuts, spicy couscous, fried chicken fillets, creamy chicken, capsicum stuffed with meat and rice, traditional bread, and there might have been more that I didn’t see. For dessert was a berry type baklava, halva, and a wafer type dessert also layered with berries. And fresh cherries and plums and other seasonal fruit (its summer so there was plenty).
It was the best iftar because I simply showed up and ate 😀
I cant seem to reply to your message.
How do you make those beautifull onion rings kanllah
Naailah I buy them at Woolies and bake in the oven. So convenient