Yesterday was another busy day as I prepared for my trip. I spent the morning packing and in the afternoon I headed to the Waterfront to sort out my forex and buy a few last minute things.
I’m not even going to be in Dubai for very long before I head home again but I’d rather be over prepared than under.
Of course the Waterfront was packed with Eid shoppers, regular shoppers and tourists and holiday makers. When malls are that full and I’m forced to be in it I want to curl into a ball and cry.
With all the last minute things there was no time to cook so we bought chicken at Primi Roastery at the food court. There was a little old man who looked to shocked to see Muslim people in the food court. The man stared long and hard until I looked at him and simply smiled. Then he looked away.
We got home about 20 minutes before magrib and cut up fruit and fried samoosas.
Later we made some chips and salad to accompany the chicken we bought. It was oh so lovely and scrumptious.
Tonight I’ll be eating airplane food while my mom eats tomato bredie at home.
I’ll try to fit in some posts while I’m in Dubai but if I don’t manage I’ll post again on Friday. Have a lovely week ahead.