Don’t get me wrong. I actually love these chefs and how they treat food. I’ve also picked up a number of helpful cooking and kitchen tips from most them. I am just often amused by the lives they seem to lead or by their exaggerated only-for-television personalities. I mean, Gordon Ramsay certainly isn’t as mean as Hell’s Kitchen would have us believe, right? And is Jamie Oliver really that messy?
From Ina Garten living a life of grandeur in the Hamptons, where table setting is an actual profession, to Nigella Lawson using the absurd adjectives and adverbs to describe the most basic cooking functions, I take a look at the spectacularly extravagant mannerisms of some popular TV chefs and cooks.
Nigella Lawson
Apart from trying to make cooking look sexy, Nigella attempts to make herself look clever too by adding a cup of adjectives and a sprinkling of adverbs to her verbal dishes. Never mind that some of the descriptors don’t really make sense. Who can forget AvocadoGate?
Very Important Breakfast before I fly away (on wings of avocado toast, it would appear pic.twitter.com/tibHZ0BTpn
— Nigella Lawson (@Nigella_Lawson) November 1, 2015
Nigella is gr8 but I wish she’d stop using verbs and adjectives THAT MAKE NO SENSE in reference to food. You cannot drape an avocado. — Sophie (@sophie_etc_) November 2, 2015
But admit it, you would want to be a guest at Nigella’s dinner or lunch table. However I wonder if her conversations around the table are the same as her conversations with the camera. Her eyelashes and eyelids get the best workout. She bats her lashes so much that people were able to create really funny videos about it.
Ina Garten
If there’s a kitchen to dream about, it’s got to be Ina’s kitchen in her Hamptons home. One day I will live there.
Ina-in-black cooks some great dishes, but is her life really that perfect? Who has people coming in to set their dinner table for a party of five? I even manage to set a table for 10 or 12 people without hiring anyone. (I really want to be able to hire a table setter. Give me your life, Ina!)
Gordon Ramsay
Hell’s Kitchen would have us all believe the Gordon is the angriest man alive. He plays it all up for the cameras and a lot of memes have been created thanks to this.
However, he’s actually rather lovely. Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Home Cooking shows a human side to the “angry chef”. I also saw him cook live at the Good Food and Wine show a few years ago and he was so cool. He’s a fantastic chef. The shows where we see his anger – that’s just him being passionate about cooking food properly. Respect the ingredients, guys!
This one time a few years ago, he tweeted at me and my friend! We missed out on eating his food!
Jamie Oliver
Jamie’s awesome. His rustic cooking style has inspired many of us. He makes cooking look cool and easy. But he does tell us it takes 30 minutes. And 15 minutes. Sure, if you’re a trained chef and you don’t mind having a million things to clean up after those 15 minutes of cooking. Also sometimes you just need to take your time. But we love you, Jamie.
Ainsley Harriott
While Ainsley hasn’t really appeared much on our screens lately, who can forget him in Ready Steady Cook? He’s easily the most entertaining and over-the-top chefs I’ve come across on television. How is he so happy and switched on ALL THE TIME?
But after all is said, I love all these people and would be happy to cook alongside any of them anytime.