If you know me well, you know I love the television series Friends. I tend to (possibly irritatingly to some) reference it in many of my conversations. Thankfully I have a few Friends friends (How you doin’, Herman?) who do this too and don’t mind when I drop a bit of Phoebe wisdom or Joey (moo) points now and then.
So why am I bringing Friends up now? Well you see, I’m sick. And I’m in denial about this flu that I just can’t seem to shake. I got sent home from work the other day (second time now) despite insisting that “I’m fine(d)”. [Remember Monica in that episode?] You’re not really fine of you add a d at the end of the word.
My friend Lauren fears I may be like Gwyneth Paltrow’s character in Contagion but I’d rather be Gwyneth’s “character” from Goop.
Because of the flu that seems to have made itself at home in my body, I’ve not really had much energy for exciting iftar treats hence the lack of posts. The only thing I looked forward to this week was breaking my fast so I could take meds to relieve the congestion. It’s no fun not being able to breathe through your nose. It made me extra thirsty too which made the fasting day feel a bit longer.
But I’m still grateful for my overall health, Alhamdulillah. Really the flu isn’t the end of the world and I’m fine now. I think.
I also have to mention that my awesome friend Cathryn gave me a bag of oranges fresh from her tree and I feel like they helped me get better too. Thank you, honey! I’ve been cutting up oranges for iftar since you gave them to me.
@cathrynr you put the c in Vitamin C. Thank you for the delicious oranges, my friend.
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Last night we had some family over (remember we went there for iftar last week) and spent some quality time together.
Here are some pics of the iftar treats we enjoyed.
I made some vienna pizzas. Before Ramadaan I made bases and put them into the freezer so all I had to do last night was make a topping, add cheese and put them into the oven.

Vienna pizzas
I also made some Falooda even though it’s freezing. But they drank it up so milkshake in any weather is fine, I guess.

Earlier this week I made these apple, date, and walnut turnovers. Last night I baked them and drizzled with some icing. They were a hit. I will probably make them for Eid as well.

Apple Turnovers
We also had some sausage rolls.

Sausage rolls
My aunt brought fritters, daltjies and pancakes (forgot to take a pic of the pancake)


Aunty Samgah’s daltjies
Of course there was the obligatory soup and samoosas. How could there not be? I fried 4 varieties of samoosas: mince; chicken; cheese and onion.
I also made these little French toast-like things. It’s filled with mashed potato, vienna and a hot sauce. Allow the sandwiches which you’ve cut into 4 to freeze for a bit (about an hour), then dip into egg and fry in shallow oil.

French toast bites
Aside from all the savouries and sweets on the table, my mom also made some oven frikkadel, mashed potato and yellow rice which we served after eshai.
So overall not a very healthy menu but calories shared are calories halved or some such untruths we tell ourselves. We’ll aim to do better from Monday.
There’s still so much left that we re-purposed the frikkadel tonight and made some burgers.
What’s been on your menu this past week? Let me know in the comments section below.