Hello all. I’m starting this late this Ramadan as the past weekend was busy and my eyes were too tired to even think about looking at a computer/phone screen.
Despite the busy, it’s been a great start to Ramadan Alhamdulillah.
I don’t have much to share in the way of food pictures, because we’ve just for the first two nights had soup (beef and veg) and samoosas.We don’t have fried things every night but it was the first two nights and we couldn’t without the samoosas.
I intended to make burgers on Saturday but the soup was so filling and I was so tired after being busy in the morning and out in the afternoon that I craved sleep more than food.
On Sunday I went to a very interesting Ramadan programme hosted by the Light Upon Light Women’s Foundation. The theme was Ramadan and the Qur’an and what a great way it was to get spiritually ready for the month ahead.
The event was from 09:00 to 15:30 – quite long and there was only one break to perform prayers. When we got home, we were quite exhausted and warmed soup, fried samoosas and baked a few sausage rolls. Really there wasn’t any space for any other food after that. My mom also syruped some donuts which I forgot about and had this morning.
This Ramadan does come with significant differences for me. My mom’s older brother and his family have lived next door to us for as long as I can remember and then late last year they found a bigger place in a different suburb. It’s a lovely new home, Masha-Allah. This however does mean that we don’t see them as often as we used to and this is the first Ramadan without the family next door. We miss them a lot, especially my cousin’s kids. I watched them grow up and love them dearly so I often feel a bit sad when I get home and they’re not playing outside and excitedly greeting me.
In happier news, our family (the ones who moved away) welcomed a new addition just in time for Ramadan. Roshan was only meant to give birth on July 3 but the baby was so excited to be here for Ramadan that he had to be delivered on Friday. Alhamdulillah he is well but just has to grow a bit more before he can come from hospital.
We now also have new neighbours. They seem nice. It’s strange to hear sounds coming from the house next door now. Something to get used to, but not a bad thing.
Back to Ramadan meals. This evening we didn’t have any savouries so that we could have some food so I made sweet and sour sauce (a recipe I got from Liyana when I was in Australia) to go with fish.
We have soup most nights as it’s packed with nourishment. Honestly, if I have soup I don’t need any of the other things. I also add fruit to the table at night so that we get some hydration that way too. (I choked on a grape because I forgot they come with seeds sometimes.)
Later this week, I will share some recipes on the blog and also try to keep up with Ramadan Diaries as time and energy allows.
How have the first few days of Ramadan been for you? Tell me in the comments below.
I love that you don’t have fried food every night my mom and mother inlaw makes every night and can’t help but eat it
It’s been really good alhamdulila, shirk to Allah for blessing us with another Ramadaan.
We alow have soup literally every night as my grandfather loves it… I try to stay away from fried things (Samoosa’s and Daltjies) but ah… my mother makes them so divine.
Because we have a lot of boys in the family (Age 6-19-growing stages) they eat more than us even in Ramadan for iftaar so I always have to make supper but alhamdulila its been lovely.
May this month uuplift us more spiritually and draw us closer to Allah Insha’Allah
Meant SHUKR*
We’re only human so when we see the delicious samoosas and daltjies we will gravitate towards them.
May Allah accept all our duas during this month.
Those donuts looks yummy! Lovely post as always 🙂
They are. My mom makes them herself.
Thanks for reading 🙂