Hey everyone,
It’s been a while since I’ve been here. I had every intention of bringing back Ramadan Diaries this year, but life has been very exhausting lately, leaving little time for these small joys. The last time I updated was around the time I started a new job and everything about this site fell by the wayside.
But now I’m back. I can’t say for how long but maybe this post is the kickstart I need to refresh this From My Fingertips again.
A lot has happened in my life in the past two years yet at the same time, it sometimes feels like I’m standing in the same place watching life unfold around me. Do you ever get this feeling? It’s at these moments when I remind myself of just how much I have to be grateful for and to celebrate my small victories.
So where have I been and what have I been up to?
Well (unfortunately and fortunately, I guess) right here in South Africa. I haven’t travelled since just before the pandemic – a fact that makes me cry. Hopefully I get jet off somewhere nice soon.
I started a job in January 2022 after a period of freelancing because I was retrenched from my previous place of work. The stress of that time would lead to the next big thing in 2022.
In July of that year, a few days after my birthday, I spent a week in ICU with an unexplained illness. More about this in a separate post. The good news is I’m better now.
The year started with a literal bang. Five days into the new year, my mom and I were in a car accident in which her neck broke. Thankfully she’s healed and now back to good health, Alhamdulillah.
There was also some uncertainty about other things, which caused immense stress.
A cute thing from last year was appearing in a Ramadan feature in Fresh Living magazine – all about my journey to better health after my 2022 incident.
Then in May, after my mom was out of her neck brace and we thought she was all good, she fell really ill. Initially we suspected a stroke but it turned out to be severe vertigo – a result of the trauma of the accident apparently. She was in hospital until they were certain she could walk without falling over. The funny thing is I now know that hospital inside and out because I’ve spent way too much time there than I would have chosen to.
Not going to lie, 2023 was a tough one to navigate but we kept the faith and always survived the challenging days, Alhamdulillah.
There were many good days in between the hard ones, but you can see now why I barely had a smidge of time for this site.
While this year hasn’t be quite as eventful as last year, there’ve some really good moments. Without going into much detail, I’ve experienced a few wins this year that I am immensely grateful for.
Now that we’re almost halfway through 2024, I can say that it’s already shaping up to be a lot better than last year. Yes, there have been challenges and days where anxiety creeped up on me, but it’s nothing compared to the hanging-by-a-thread feelings of last year and parts of 2022.
Something that will always make me happy is playing in the kitchen. It’s one of the ways I still unwind, whether by baking or cooking. It’s just me, the ingredients, the stove or oven and a few awkward dance moves (when I’m alone and I imagine I’m Salma Hayek in this scene below haha).
I am surrounded by good people near and far and so grateful for their presence. I won’t mention names, but I’m sure they know who they are.
The rest of the year will be about focusing on goals, getting ample rest, continuing to manage stress and living healthily and also being a support to the people close to me. Life is made better when we have people to share our battles and victories with after all.
What’s new with you?
If you made it all the way to the end, tell me in the comments what’s new in your life? Also tell me what you’d like to see more of here. Recipes? Travel inspo? I’m open to suggestions.